Mens Grooming Dispatch - Proraso, Simpson and Best Head Shavers Vid

The Weekly Grooming Dispatch

Top articles/videos/reviews from this week

As mentioned in the last grooming dispatch newsletter--I was going to be getting busy with some traditional wet shaving stuff. A few things are still being used more before they can be reviewed (some products need to be used multiple times before reaching an all-around conclusion).

Robert is still in the bearded department, using stuff that hopefully keeps his beard in good shape and healthy. His focus was on Proraso, which is mostly well-known for its shaving cream.

Here's what we got live for you guys from the past week --

-Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Brush Review

- Proraso Red Shaving Cream Tube Review

-Proraso Beard Oil Review

-Proraso Beard Balm Review

-5 Best Electric Head Shavers 2024 - Tested and Re​viewed (YouTube Vid)

Electric Head Shaver Roundup

You might have seen all the dedicated head shavers I have reviewed on and now on the YouTube Channel. I have had a roundup page of the best electric head shavers for a while, which is great for a condensed version of all the reviews (you can see that roundup here).

Here is the video, and I only include 5. I included a kind of risky one (MicroTouch) because it is so comfortable to use.

video preview

Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Brush

The Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Shaving Brush has some good backbone, and a soft fiber knot that’s dense, but not overly dense. While the handle is not too stubby, I did find myself wanting something slimmer, longer, or both!

Simpson Trafalgar T3 Sovereign Synthetic Brush Review

Proraso Red Shaving Cream

Proraso Red Shaving Cream in a tube is geared towards those gents that require a more oily type of lubricant. It lathers up very quickly, has a mild sandalwood scent, and makes an ideal travel companion.

Proraso Red Shaving Cream Tube Review

Proraso Beard Wash

While the Cypress & Vetyver aroma is an acquired taste, Proraso knocks it out of the park otherwise. The light texture of Proraso Beard Wash leads to a very rich lather, rinses clean, and leaves my skin and beard feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

Proraso Beard Balm

Proraso brings us a soothing and refreshing beard balm that breathes life into your beard while soothing itch and irritation. Its only letdown is the clumsy screw top that makes you use more than you really need.

Proraso Beard Balm Review

Proraso Beard Oil

Light and Airy, Proraso Beard Oil is great for guys who want to maintain a healthy beard but don’t want to feel like they have slathered oil all over their face. The aroma is gentle and fresh and sticks around for a short time to help you feel clean.

Proraso Beard Oil Review

Offers This Month

Use discount code SHAVINGADVISOR (in capitals) for 10% OFF.

Until next time --

Happy Shaving and Grooming


36 Gilbey Road, Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN31 2RN
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